We have broken the linking structure down into three parts:
- Page depth
- Amount of Internal Links
- Quality of Internal Links
Page Depth
Page depth refers to the quantity of required clicks to get to some page from the homepage. Pages that are available in one click are more important than those that are almost hidden and require more than 3 clicks to reach.
If you have a lot of worthless pages and few important product pages, you could take this chance to restructure your site.
Quantity of Internal Links
This point is simple; the more internal links you have to a certain page, the more important search engines think that web page to be. A page that ranks well on almost every website is the homepage. This kind of time will continue to be true for many years because almost every webmaster programs their site so that every web page has a link back again to the homepage.
Therefore how do make your other pages benefit from this? Does that imply you should have every page on your site include a link to every single page in your site? No, you'll be observed as a spammer if your site has several number of paragraphs and then hundreds of links to every other webpage on your site.
An improved method would to have a "Top Products" section that includes a hyperlink to pages you want to get or obtain the most link love. Another strategy is to possess a link for every main areas of your site. This will help to give those areas a lot of link love, and in turn, they'll be able to drive more link the pages contained within them.
Quality of Internal Links
Just including a bunch of internal links to an important web page is not enough; they also need to be high quality links. For your most significant pages, make sure the links they receive have as many of the following qualifying criterion or requirements as possible:
Anchor Text - If you're targeting a certain keyword (or keywords) ensure that the internal links have the keyword in the anchor text. Also, added bonus for using a little bit altered anchor text of our own site.
Link Position - The higher a link occurs in the HTML, the better. If you link to "mobile" at the top of the webpage, but "phone" towards the bottom of the webpage, search engines will certainly view the link to "mobile" as more valuable than the link to "phone".
Link Zone- The very best scenario for getting more link is to link in one page to a highly-related page. The closer the topics of each are in topic, the higher the amount of links that will be transmitted.
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